Drama Legenda 10 Orang
drama bahasa inggris 8 orang tentang legenda
1. drama bahasa inggris 8 orang tentang legenda
Long long ago, there was Sukagara kingdom
which is located in the province of west java. The
kingdom led by a king names Surapati.
One day, Surapati was hungry. He asked to his
waitress to take food for him.
Surapati : Waitress……. I’m
hungry . please take food for me.
Dayang Sritasari : (come overthe king
with all of delicious food) this is my king…
Surapati : (eating the food) that’s the most delicious food that I ever eat. The taste so good. Thank you so much my waitress
Dayang Sritasari : (smiling shy) you’re welcome my king. (walk out from king’s room)
2. drama bahasa inggris tentang legenda dong buat 4 orang
Once upon a time. In ancient times in East Java there was a kingdom led by a king named Raden Putra. Raden Putra is rich and powerful. His craze hangs chicken.
Raden Putra has an empress and some concubines. A concubine has envy and wants to seize the position of the empress. To realize his desires he slandered the empress.
Well, how the next story .... ?? Let's watch this drama demonstration ....
Scene 1
Please Daughter. Is there any chance the princess called me?
Doctor, I want to be king's queen. I was tired of being the king's concubine. That's why I want to get rid of the empress from this palace!
I'll pretend to be sick caused by a consciously poisoned queen because she's jealous of me. And you Doctor, must help me to carry out my wishes.
You understand the Doctor?
I understand the Princess.
Nice! Nice! If you understand. Then tell the king now. If I'm sick.
Good lady. My Daughter's orders, immediately I do.
Shortly thereafter, the Imperial Doctor immediately conveyed to the king that the concubine was ill. Meanwhile, the concubine pretends to groan in pain.
Scene 2
Forgive me. One of the concubines was sick. And the pain, caused after drinking the drink given by the empress.
You mean, the pain of my concubine because of the poisoned drink given by the empress?
Yes, king
What? Is that right you are telling this physician? Are not you making up on it?
What I am telling you is true.
Dinda, what is the palace physician saying?
Is it true that the empress poisoned you?
(whimpering pain) Right you. Servant sick after drinking beverages given empress. The palace physician says, the drink I drink contains toxins.
(angry) Empress is really outrageous! How could he want to kill you?
Guards! Call the empress facing me now!
Good. Your Majesty. The orders of the king immediately servant.
Soon, the guard had arrived with the empress before the king
Forgive me. This empress was present before the king.
(innocently) What's the matter of kanda calling for a servant?
(angry) You really outrage Dinda! You deliberately put poison in the concubine drink because you envy her. Is not it? You want to kill him right? Killer base!
What? Forgive me. This is your slander. I never gave a drink to my concubine.
(angry) I can not believe your reasons! I'm not willing to see you again in front of me again!
Servant, Sire.
Bring your empress to the forest immediately and kill him!
What?! (Crying)
Kanda. The servant really never did as alleged to the servant. That's slander! It is a lie!
Guards! Drag the empress immediately out of the palace! I was not willing to see him again!
Good King.
Come, queen. Forgive the empress. The servant merely executes the king's orders.
The guards finally took out the empress and took him to the forest. But the bodyguards did not have the heart to kill the pregnant queen.
3. Naskah drama legenda b.inggris buat 4 orang apa ya?
batu menangis. ibu, darmi dan pemuda-pemudi
4. Tuliskan drama bahasa inggris tentang legenda dengan beranggota 8 orang:-).. Makasih
Scenario Drama:
1. Drama Themes: Religious Values
2. Ritma Drama Story:
I. Exposition
II. issues
Idha desire to use the veil, although not able to recite the Quran properly.
III. complication
Azi not like the decision Idha to slice, because they are not worthy to wear it.
IV. Note 1
Azi trying to find support for Idha aside from their association, because it is veiled only to give the impression of goody-goody alone.
V. Note 2
Martin and Immah feel Idha decision to slice needs to be supported, and encouraged to continue studying religion. Not by alienating.
VI. conclusion
Idha remain veiled and improve the way the recitation of the Qur'an correctly.
3. Character
a. The protagonist (Good): Idha
b. Antagonist (Evil): Azi
c. Tritagonis: Martin and Immah
d. extras:
- Sophia
- Revelation
- Ikhsan
- Panca
4. Background
a. place
b. time
Drama Script:
One morning on Sunday, drizzle was falling casually. Without knowing the time, from early morning until the chicken has been crowing until now that is supposed sunrise. But lost by a wash of dark clouds. Although not a sunny Sunday morning, and made the inhabitants of Al-Amin hated boarding and clots dissolve in warm blankets. Not for Idha, girls of this small village, very like the rain.
Idha: I am a creature of rain lovers ...
Martin roommate know that Idha sitting alone among the chill wind mixed with rain water on the porch, trying to accompany.
Martin: Cold Dha ... later ill, enter ONLY! Day of the week as well ... even good for sleeping all day!
Idha: Later, still engrossed rain clay ...
Martin just shook his head, amazed what pleasure of seeing the rain and the cold air. He was finally seated beside Idha.
Idha: I actually want to wear the hijab mar ...
Martin thought for a moment and then said a few words.
Martin: Yes already immediately use, you already deserve why if veiled. Praying five times always work on in the beginning. Prayer at any sunnah fasting you often do you? So want to wait any longer ...?
Idha: Looks like I do not deserve ...
Martin: How come? If I was still in doubt, knowing still not emotionally stable ...
Idha: Did electric current ... ??
Martin: Already ah ... go first. If you want to wear, not what it used to wear hijab. Later after payday you buy yourself ...
Idha could only smile and give a thumbs-up, nod and thank you. The rain has not let up, still silent Idha itself almost dreamy. Then he felt there was a voice that said to him.
If you wait for a new first Holy tartil jilbaban, if trigger death how?
Idha also seemed to realize, he finally entered the room kostnya. After a while the rain finally let up, even though the sun is reluctant to give a light warm moist earth. Azi friends next room, knocked on the door Idha.
Idha: Uh .. Azi, what is it?
Azi: Lah, since when do you wear a headscarf? I just know ...
Idha: Bismillah started today!
Azi: Already can Koran yet ?? Hijab's not a mask ...
Idha just stay quiet. Azi was unhappy with the deciding Idha veiled, even though he knew the Koran Idha could not well. Feel this includes actions nyleneh and violate the rules! He came into the room Sophia, who turns in it was busy hanging out with Revelation, Immah, and Panca.
Azi: You know, past the Idha now wear the hijab.
Immah: Oh yeah? Alhamdulillah ... guidance comes to boarding our friend.
Azi: Hidayah indeed be thankful for, but can not Idha the Koran. Koran can not, because I'm wearing the hijab. Later wondering if anyone even religious issues usually shaking. Itukan public deception name!
Revelation: Future Idha already going 20 years have not been able Koran Zi?
Azi: I do not believe, wong last month at his request taught me too!
Five: Terrific mean, already dared wear hijab! I wrote not dare.
Azi: Great ass, then if he ngajari law beyond what? The fact dangerous!
Immah: Huss .. istighfar Zi, there are good friends already on the road really pray that bad ..! You who've asked for help ngajari Koran, means Idha right to learn. Not necessarily the origin of wear hijab ...
Azi just stay quiet, do not bother and went to the room kostnya own. Followed by Panca, while Immah go to Idha room.
Immah: Glad I see you wearing the hijab this ..
Idha: Yeah ya, Doain same can be sustained even add their knowledge. Ma'am Immah should teach me the Koran?
Immah: We met Mas Ikhsan wrote, he's teach children the Koran here.
After a while Ikhsan appeared, was about to ask for money payments monthly boarding children.
Immah: Well kak ... incidentally, is Idha willing to learn the Koran.
Ikhsan: Alhamdulillah ... willing to learn when? Could later join the Koran to the mosque. Or if embarrassed private later, I was back here.
Martin: Yes mas, I also want to learn all the better let ngajinya.
Idha: Thank you Ikhsan mas ..
5. Naskah drama legenda untuk 6 orang laki laki?
Asal usul sungai kawatlegenda Bayuwangi keren dramanya
6. tolong buatkan drama bhs.inggris tentang legenda untuk 4 orang
Eyeless Jack, One Night In Panopticon City There A Market Seller Named Chris,At That Night Chris Is Very Tired,He Going To His Home,His Home Not Far From The Market. Chris Look Someone At The tree.That Mysterious Man Have A Knife In His Right Hand,Chris Said "What Is That ?", "Im Going To Kill You" The Mysterious Man Speak To Chris While Running To Kill Chris. "Help!" Chris Screaming,But In That Night Chris Killed Near His House.
7. contoh naskah drama legenda 4 orang pemain
Naskah drama "Legenda Batu Menangis".
Disuatu desa, hiduplah seorang ibu paruh baya bersama anak perempuannya yang sangat cantik tetapi sombong. Pada suatu hari, sang ibu hendak pergi ke pasar dan ingin mengajak anak gadisnya itu.
Ibu: Nak, ibu ingin pergi ke pasar. Tapi belanjaan ibu hari ini agak banyak. Ayo temani ibu, nak.
Putri: Malas ah bu. Biasanya juga bisa pergi sendiri.
Ibu: Iya nak, tapi kali ini ibu butuh bantuanmu.
Putri: Oke oke. Tapi ada syaratnya.
Ibu: Syarat? Kok pake syarat nak?
Putri: Kalau ibu tidak mau ya sudah, aku juga tidak mau pergi.
Ibu: Baiklah. Apa syaratnya nak?
Putri: Saat berjalan, ibu harus berjalan beberapa langkah di belakangku, dan jangan sekali-kali ibu bilang kalau aku ini anak ibu.
Ibu: Baiklah nak.
Putri: Ya sudah ayo kita pergi.
Sang anak gadis dan ibunya pun pergi ke pasar. Selama dalam perjalanan, sang ibu selalu jalan di belakang anaknya. Saat di pasar semua orang berdecak kagum akan kecantikan gadis itu dan penasaran siapa ibu yang berjalan di belakangnya.
Pak Tio: Wah cantik sekali kamu nak. Siapa ibu di belakangmu? Apakah dia ibumu?
Putri: Bukan. Dia bukan ibuku. Dia adalah pembantuku. Mana mungkin gadis secantik aku memiliki ibu seperti dia.
Pak Tio: Bapak kira dia ibumu. Jika dia ibumu jangan melangkah terlalu cepat. Kasihan dia, dia selalu tertinggal di belakang.
Putri: Ah... Apa urusan kamu mengatur-atur saya!
Pak Tio: Bapak hanya memberi saran nak. Kalau memang dia bukan ibumu silahkan lanjutkan perjalananmu.
Sang gadispun melanjutkan perjalananya. Kemudian, ada seorang pemuda tampan yang tertarik dan bertanya pada gadis itu.
Pria: Gadis cantik, siapa namamu? Apakah ibu yang berjalan di belakang adalah ibumu?
Putri: Namaku putri. Dia bukan ibuku. Dia adalah pembantuku.
Sang ibupun sangat sedih dan tidak tahan dengan perlakuan putrinya. Ia pun berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menghukum putrinya. Tiba-tiba, langit bergemuruh. Sang gadispun merasakan ada yang aneh dari tubuhnya.
Putri: Kenapa dengan kakiku. Mengapa aku tidak bisa menggerakkannya.
Ibu: Aku telah berdoa kepada tuhan untuk menghukummu nak. Kamu sudah sangat keterlaluan.
Pria: Jadi dia ini ibumu? Kenapa kamu berbohong? Cepatlah meminta ampun padanya.
Putri: Ibu maafkan aku ibu. Aku menyesal. Aku tidak akan mengulangi perbuatanku lagi. (sambil menangis terisak-isak)
Ibu: Sudah terlambat nak.
Sang gadis pun perlahan berubah menjadi batu. Dari batu tersebut selalu mengeluarkan air yang dipercaya sebagai air mata dari sang anak.
Naskah drama merupakan teks yang berisi dialog antar tokoh dari sebuah cerita. Sebelum menuliskan dialog, terdapat prolog yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan cerita yang akan dilakonkan.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Materi tentang pengertian drama https://brainly.co.id/tugas/6254858Materi tentang contoh drama https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3068383Materi tentang naskah drama https://brainly.co.id/tugas/424883Detail jawaban
Kelas: XI
Mapel: Bahasa Indonesia
BAB: 8
Kode: 11.1.8
8. drama legenda singkat untuk 3 orangtolong dijawab MAKSIH
Kamu bisa drama berjudul Malin Kundang
org 1 menjadi Malin Kundang
org 2 menjadi Ibu Malin Kundang
org 3 menjadi Istri Malin Kundang
9. Apakah ada drama legenda singkat 7 orang laki-laki semuanya laki-laki
Kalau Drama Indonesia Mungkin tidak ada
Tapi kalau secara international mungkin ada seperti Drama Beijing
10. Drama legenda singkat untuk 7 orang ada engga?
bawang merah bawang putih dngn tmn nya di bnyakinada, tentang RAMAYANA .pemainnya RAMA,SHINTA,LESMANA,ANOMAN,RAHWANA RAJA,INDRAJIT & PATIH .
11. buatlah naskah drama dengan 7 orang perempuan dan 3 orang laki laki tentang legenda.. pliss..
Sabtu adalah hari dimana sekelompok anak muda yang terdiri dari Brandon, Ivan, Tommy, Elsa dan Anna menghabiskan waktu. Sejak siang mereka sudah berkumpul di sebuah cafe elit yang berada di bilangan pusat kota Surabaya. Seperti biasa, hari ini adalah giliran Brandon yang menraktir mereka semua.
Brandon : Pesen yang banyak deh! Nanti aku yang bayar. Pokoknya kalian harus makan sampe kenyang.
Tommy : Baru gajian ya? Kok royal banget sih?
Brandon : Bawel ah! Mau ditraktir nggak nih?
Anna : Ya jelas mau lah! Hari ini kan giliran kamu yang keluar duit.
Tidak lama kemudian Elsa datang menghampiri meja dimana mereka duduk. Ia baru pamit dari toilet untuk menerima telepon.
Anna : Elsa kenapa? Kok sedih? Pamali loh sabtu-sabtu murung gitu!
Ivan : Iya kenapa sih, Sa? Dompetmu hilang?
Brandon dan Tommy tertawa menimpali lelucon Ivan tesebut.
Elsa : Mamaku barusan telepon. Dia bilang papaku bangkrut. Semua rumah, mobil dan tabungan di bank ludes. (Terisak pelan) kami harus pindah ke tempat tinggal yang lebih kumuh.
Parahnya lagi semua kebangkrutan ini karena papa terlibat kasus korupsi dan sekarang dia menjadi buronan polisi (Menangis)
Brandon : HAH? Yang bener?!
12. drama legenda singkat untuk 4 orang tolong bantu,cepat
Cerita Kisah Putri Ular
Pada zaman dahulu, ada seorang raja di daerah simalungun. Raja mempunyai seorang putri yang sangat cantik dan kecantikanya sudah tersebar kemana mana. Hingga suatu saat dating seorang raja dari negri tetangga untuk meminangnya.
Tentu saja sang putri sangat senang karena mempunyai calon suami raja yang masih muda dan tampan. Ia selalu merawat dirinya sebelum hari pernikahanya datang. Pada suatu hari, sang putriingin mandi di kolam taman istana.
Pada hari itu sangat cerah, putri di temani pengasuhnya menikmati sejuknya air kolam.
Putri : Sejuknya air kolam ini”.
Pengasuh:”Mandilah tuan putri, air itu akan membuatmu menjadi lebih segar sehingga bisa mempercantik kulitmu itu”.
Tiba tiba angin tertiup kencang hingga membuat dahan di atas kolam pun patah dan jatuh menimpa putri yang sedang mandi. Malangnya dahan itu melukai hidung putri, sang pengasuh pun sibuk menolong putri.
Pengasuh :”Putri tak papa?”.
Putri : (Setelah itu putri melihat bayangan dirinya di air dan mengatakan ) “Aku sudah jelek sekarang” teriak sang putri yang bercampur sedih dan kecewa”.
Dan pengasuh mencoba menenangkanya tapi tidak berhasil sang putri tetap bersedih dan menyesali hidungnya yang luka.
Pengasuh : “Tidak putri, putri masih terlihat cantik”.
Putri : “Tidak… aku terlihat jelek sekarang”.
Akhirnya sang pengasuh lain pergi untuk membertahukan raja sedangkan sedangkan beberapa pengasuh tetap menemami sang putri.
Pengasuh :”Raja .. putri… putri…”.
Ratu : “Ada apa dengan putri, pengasuh”.
Pengasuh : “Putri sedang bersedih karena wajahnya terluka oleh dahan yang jatuh ke wajahnya”.
Ratu : “Kanda raja, sebaiknya kita melihat putri sekarang”
Raja : Baiklah, sekarang dimana putrid”.
Tanpa di ketahui sang pengasuh putri berdoa kepada para dewa. Putri tidak mau membuat keluarganya kecewa dan calon suaminya, doa putri yang sangat khusyuk sehingga doanya dikabulkan para dewa.
Putri : “Ya dewa,,, aku tidak ingin melihat orangtuaku dan calon suamiku kecewa melihat keadaanku sekarang, rubahlah aku menjadi seekor ular.
Lalu secara perlahan lahan sang putri berubah menjadi ular.Ketika sang raja dan ratu datang mereka sangat terkejut. Karena putri telah berubah menjadi ular sang raja dan ratu hanya menangis melihat putrinya berubah menjadi ular. Sementara itu ular jelmaan sang putri pergi kearah semak semak dan tidak pernah kembali lagi ke istana.
13. Tolong buatkan drama 2 orang tentang legenda dalam bahasa inggris
The two brothers
Once upon a time, there were two brothers who worked as farmers growing rice. They were both very good to each other.
One year, the elder brother had some rice to spare. He thought, I’d better give some to my younger brother. He has a large family to feed. That night, he carried a large sack of rice to his brother’s house. He left it outside the door.
The next day, he went to his store to count the remaining sacks of rice. He was surprised. He still had the same number as before. “How is it possible?” he asked himself. “I’d better take another sack of rice to my brother’s house tonight.”
So that night, after dark, he carried another sack of rice to his brother’s house. Once more, the next morning, he counted the number of sack of rice left in his store. He still had the same number as before.
“I can’t believe it,” he said. “All right, I’ll take another sack of rice to my brother’s house tonight.
That night, for the third time, he went to his brother’s house carrying a sack of rice on his back. The moon was very bright. He saw someone carrying a sack of rice coming towards him. It was his younger brother.
“Why, it’s you, younger brother,” he called out.
His younger brother stopped and put down the sack of rice he was carrying. without saying any more, they both understood what had happened. They laughed for a long time.
14. ada yang punya naskah drama legenda/cerita rakyat untuk 7 orang ?
tulis aja di google naskah drama 7 orang tentang legenda candi prambanan di scribd,naskahnya bagus
15. berikan contoh drama bahasa inggris legenda untuk 6 orang
Contoh naskah drama bahasa Inggris 6 orang
Judul : Masa Depan Kita
Tema : Sosial & Persahabatan
Jumlah pemeran : 6 orang
Penokohan : Ilham : Berkpribadian baik
Muklis : Berkpribadian baik
Zahra : Berkpribadian baik
Rara : Berkepribadian buruk
Munir : Berkepribadian buruk
Intan : Suka mengingatkan
Sinopis of Drama
There are 6 friends who have been friends since a long time. They are the inspiration, my colleague David, Zahra, Rara, Munir, and Diamond.
Berebeda with four friends, attitude and personality contrasts with Rara and Munir Ilham thinking, my colleague David, Zahra, and Diamond.
At one meeting, Rara and Munir reprimanded because of his attitude still like a child.
inspiration :
What the hell do we do that the ideals that we have it will actually be realized and not just a dream ?
Muklis :
Yes of course, a lot of what you must do, say from now you should begin to organize your life and personality.
Zahra :
True what is said by my colleague David. Indeed, a lot of which we have to prepare so that in the future what we dream can come true.
Rara :
Ah, you are such a course his work. Want it want it, why the hell wrote nyantai ? anyways guys it's still easy, still plenty of time.
Munir :
Yes, on a busy young uda mikirn that far. Already lah aja youth nikmatin you, ntar your dreams also come alone.
Intan :
Munir, Rara, you really think like that anyway? precisely because we are young so we should be able to take advantage of the time we have.
Muklis :
True what is said Diamond. I was also surprised at you ( Rara & Munir ) kerjannya merely playing everyday.
inspiration :
Munir, Rara, this time you are still young and everything you need can still be satisfied by the father / your mother, but in the future it you should be able to meet your own needs, so from now on you have to be willing to think and work hard.
Intan :
Well, listen tuh what dibilaingin inspiration. You should not be so young people without direction, you must be willing to fight from now on.
Rara :
Hemm, indifferent...
Munir :
Yeah, these guys at your own motivator nyantai supposedly.. why the hell wrote.
Fourth Munir and Rara friend just shook his head and see attitude Munir seoarang Rara which is like a small child.
Although Diamond realize that it is very difficult to be reminded Rara and Munir, but he still tried to resuscitate the other two.
Intan :
Rara, how old are you now ?
Munir : So what you really nanya any age ?
Rara : I must have been 17 years old, what is it?
Intan :
Well, you already know yourself if you're already 17 years of age. Try to imagine what would you do in the next 5-10 years ?
Rara :
I do not understand you mean, mean what ?
Munir :
Yes, I am also confused with you, Tan. Asked the old man, continues to Nanya what will be done in the next 5-10 years, yes of course wrote not you know life is ngalir wrote.
Intan :
I mean put it this way, if you are age 17 years and now already in 10 years of age you will be 27 years old. Announcing you that the life when you are already 27 years of age it will change drastically from how you feel now. So we have to be young while preparing themselves for the future of our future, yes examples such as what is delivered by Ilham, et al.
Rara and Munir finally think the diamond after hearing the explanation. Since that Munir and Rara showed significant attitude change.
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