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Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice

Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice

how to make jus jeruk (orange juice) => text procedure

1. how to make jus jeruk (orange juice) => text procedure

How to make orange juice
Ingredients: 2 oranges peeled off Ice cubes Sugar
Steps: First, put oranges and ice cubes into a blender. Second, turn on the blender. Wait until the oranges and ice cubes dissolved. Third, put 2 spoonful of sugar into the blender and turn on the blender 15 seconds. Fourth, pour into a glass.

1. Peel your orange over the trash can.
2. Make the orange into slices.
3. Take all of your oranges over a bowl or cup
4. Squeeze! The juice out of the oranges into the cup/bowl
5. Pick out the seeds
6. Pour into separate cups.
7. pinished :)

2. buatlah procedure text tentang how to make orange juice tlg dijawabnya

Materials :
- 2 orange
- cube ice
- sugar
- a glass of water

Steps :
- first, squeeze the orange
- second, pour some water and sugar, mix it
- and the last add the cube of ice


Semoga membantu

3. procedure text tentang how to make orange juice . simple dan pertama harus kupas kulit dan .........​


1. Wash and peel oranges

2. Remove the white membrane and cut each orange to 2

3. Remove the seeds

3. Add them to a blender

4. Add any things you want like ginger, herbs and add that to the blender

5. Freeze your oranges if you want cold juice

6. Run the machine

7. Drink it

4. procedure text how to make dragon fruite juice

Materials : 1 dragon fruit, some sugar, a half glass of water, several ice cubes
Steps : First, cut dragon fruit. Second, add sugar and put into blender. Next, pour the juice in a tall glass. After that, add several ice cubes. Finally, dragon fruit juice is ready to drink.

5. procedure text how to make juice mango beserta 5 soal pilihan ganda

making mango juice recipe:

Wash, peel and chop the mango. Take mangoand sugar into a blender.Grind into smooth puree.Then add water and blend it again.Strain the juice and discard the fibrous pulp if any. This step is optional though.Keep refrigerated, chilled till serving.

6. procedure text how to make juice mango beserta 5 soal pilihan ganda


Ingredients :
1. fresh and sweet mangoes
2. 2 teaspoons of sugar
3. one cup of ice cubes
4. sweet condensen milk

Equipment :
A knife
A blender
A glass
A straw

Steps :
first , peel off the mangoes until clean
second , cut the mangoes into a pieces
then , put the mangoes in blender
after that put 2 teaspoons of sugar and one cup of ice cubes
third , mix the ingredients until smooth
last , pour the juice into a glass
finally , add a straw for decoration
and it's ready to be serve

7. How to make orange juice ?

How to make orange juice Ingredients: 2 oranges peeled off Ice cubes Sugar

Steps: First, put oranges and ice cubes into a blender. Second, turn on the blender. Wait until the oranges and ice cubes dissolved. Third, put 2 spoonful of sugar into the blender and turn on the blender 15 seconds. Fourth, pour into a glass.
1.masukkan jeruk yang sudah dikupas kedalam blender
2. tambahkan air secukupnya
3. tambahkan hula sesuka anda Dan tambahkan es batu
4. blender hingga semuanya tercampur
5. sajikan pada gelas

8. procedure text how to make avocado juice dan terjemahannya

Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its communicative purpose is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps.

generic structure of procedure text is

The goal (title)The ingredients, stating the materials needed to make somethingThe method, stating the steps to make the somethingPembahasan

How to Make Avocado Juice


1 ripe avocado, peeled and cored

2 tablespoons sugar

Condensed chocolate milk

Crushed ice

100 ml water


First, place avocado, crushed ice, milk, sugar, and water in a blender.

Second, blend them until everything is combined thoroughly.

And then, put some condensed chocolate milk in a glass.

Finally, pour the juice into the glass and serve immediately.

Serve: 1


Cara Membuat Jus Alpukat


1 buah alpukat matang, kupas dan buang bijinya

2 sendok makan gula

Susu kental cokelat

Es batu yang dihancurkan

100 ml air


Pertama, tempatkan alpukat, es, susu, gula, dan air dalam blender.

Kedua, campur mereka hingga semuanya tercampur.

Dan kemudian, taruh susu coklat kental dalam gelas.

Terakhir, tuangkan jus ke dalam gelas dan sajikan segera.

Penyajian: 1

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh cara membuat jus alpukat dalam bahasa Inggris lainnya dapat dilihat di brainly.co.id/tugas/7236523

Generic structure of procedure text pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3794387

Contoh procedure text cara membuat pepes ikan dalam bahasa Inggris pada brainly.co.id/tugas/36485072


Detail jawaban

Kelas: IX

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: This is how you do it. (Chapter 5)

Kode: 9.5.5


9. procedure text how to make juice mango beserta 5 soal pilihan ganda

Wash, peel and chop the mango. Take mango and sugar into a blender.

Grind into smooth puree.

Then add water and blend it again.

Strain the juice and discard the fibrous pulp if any. This step is optional though.

Keep refrigerated, chilled till serving.

Semoga Membantu

Jadikan Yang Terbaik Ya ^_^

10. procedure text how to make guava juice dan artinya

prosedur pada teks.Bagaimana untuk membuat jus jambu bijiBagaimana cara membuat jus guava

Semoga membantu

11. How to make juice orange

Original Orange Juice


1. 6 fresh oranges

2. 40 grams sugar

3. 50 ml water

How to make:

1. Peel the fresh oranges. Then, remove the seeds.

2. Put the oranges, sugar, and water into blender.

3. Blend all of the ingredients in the blender. Blend it for about 2 minutes.

4. Prepare a glass and pour the juice into the glass

5. Finally, the original orange juice is ready to serve.

HOW TO MAKE orange juice

peel the oranges and take the orange segments in a mixie jar or blender jar.

add 1 tbsp lemon juice. ...

run the mixie or blender on low to medium speed for some seconds till the mixture becomes pulpy and the oranges are crushed. ...

line a juice strainer over a bowl or pan. in the juice strainer, pour the orange juice.

12. contoh procedure text how to make avocado juice


First, put some pieces of avocado into a blender.
Second, put some ice cube into the blender.
Third, put 2 spoonful of sugar.
Fourth, blend them.
Fifth, pour the juice into a glass.
Sixth, pour some milk into the glass.
Finally, the avocado juice is ready to serve.

13. procedure text how to make juice melon

How to make juice melon

- a glass for ice pack
- a spoon of sugar
- a piece of melon
- a half glass of water


First, peel the melon and clean it.
Second, cut the melon into pieces and put them into the juicer.
Then, put the water, ice, and sugar.
After that turn on the juice and wait about 15 seconds.
Finally, pour the melon juice into the glass and ready to drink.

14. Procedure text tentang how to make melon juice. Please harus ada ingredients, tools, sama stepsnya ya.


- 2 Lime 
- 4 Teaspoons Sugar
- 600 ml water
- An Icecube (according to your taste)

- An Orange Squasher
- A Spoon
- A Glass
- A Straw
- A Knife

1. First, cut the lime with knife into a half of lime
2. Squash the lime at orange squasher and press the orange until no more orange water available
3. Pour the squasher into a glass
4. Give some sugar according to your taste
5. Put in icecubes to juice according to your taste
6. Put in a straw and reserve it

15. Pleace cleate procedure text" how to make strawberry juice

How to Make Strawberry Juice

The sweet flavor of fresh strawberries is undeniable. It will be even more enjoyable if we can make juice of it. Drink a tall cold glass of strawberry juice to cool down on a hot day. Here is a recipe how to make simple strawberry juice at home. Just collect the ingredients and follow the steps.

● What you need

- Strawberries

- 1/2 cup of water

- 1 tablespoon of sugar

- Ice cubes

- Condensed milk (optional)

-:A blender

● How to make:

1. Wash the strawberries and then cut them into a half.

2. Put the strawberries in a blender along with 1/2 cup water 1 tbs sugar, ice cubes and condensed milk if you like.

3. Blend them until smooth.

4. Pour the juice into a glass. And you glass of strawberry juice is ready to drink.

(Membuat teks prosedur "cara membuat jus strawberry") dalam b.inggris

How to Make Strawberry Juice

The sweet flavor of fresh strawberries is undeniable. It will be even more enjoyable if we can make juice of it. Drink a tall cold glass of strawberry juice to cool down on a hot day. Here is a recipe how to make simple strawberry juice at home. Just collect the ingredients and follow the steps.

What you need

Strawberries1/2 cup of water1 tablespoon of sugarIce cubesCondensed milk (optional)A blender

How to make

Wash the strawberries and then cut them into a half.Put the strawberries in a blender along with 1/2 cup water 1 tbs sugar, ice cubes and condensed milk if you like.Blend them until smooth.Pour the juice into a glass. And you glass of strawberry juice is ready to drink.


Rasa manis stroberi segar memang tak ditolak. Akan lebih menyenangkan jika kita bisa membuat jusnya. Minum segelas jus stroberi dingin untuk menenangkan diri di hari yang panas. Berikut adalah resep bagaimana membuat jus stroberi sederhana di rumah. Kumpulkan bahannya dan ikuti langkahnya.

Apa yang kamu butuhkan

Stroberi1/2 cangkir air1 sendok makan gulaBalok esSusu kental (opsional)Sebuah blender

Cara membuat

Cuci stroberi lalu potong menjadi setengah.Masukkan stroberi ke dalam blender bersama dengan 1/2 gelas air, 1 sdm gula pasir, es batu dan susu kental jika kamu suka.Campurkan sampai halus.Tuangkan jus ke dalam gelas. Dan segelas jus stroberi siap kamu siap untuk diminum.

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